sobota 3. listopadu 2012


laboratory values consistent with possible upper urinary
tract infection (fever >38°C, C-reactive protein >20 mg/l,
urinalysis >10 leucocytes/mm3) and positive urine culture
(pure growth of >1 million organisms/ml)

- US do 48 hodin od dg

- zvětšená ledvina (increase in parenchymal volume confirmed by a decrease in volume on a second US examination 10 days later), porucha perfuze (konstrikce arteriol při zánětu, zvýšit gain, focus ve spodní třetině barevného sloupce, musí být viditelná ve dvou rovinách, aCDS), ztráta kortikomedullární diferenciace, hypo/hyper ložiska, ztluštění stěny h.c. močových (the finding of a hypoechoic rim within the wall of the renal pelvis or ureter together
with an increased mucosal echogenicity)

- tenký kortex, fokální hyperecho s porušením kontury = jizvení po proběhlé PN

- podívat se na zadní uretru

The RUS was considered abnormal if one of the following
features was found: parenchymal hyperechogenicity, focal lesion
with hyper- or hypoechogenicity, thickening of the renal pelvis
wall, defined by the finding of a hypoechoic rim delineated on
each side by a thin hyperechoic line [9, 10], and significant enlargement
of both kidney length and width compared with the opposite
kidney and with normal range for age [11]. SORANTIN

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